Sunday, March 17, 2013

Where Do You Stand?

Do you ever feel like you are buried in a world where there is nowhere to escape, standing there screaming at the top of your lungs and you are lucky to get even a few people to listen? It's sickening to feel like you want people to stand up with you and yet it feels like everyone discards reality, that everyone just lives in this magical world where nothing that's happening in the world affects them. 

I'll be honest, before I had kids most of this crap felt rather pointless, so I went on my way ignoring most of it. It didn't seem to affect me so why should I care. Trust me, it matters, it all matters and it definitely affects you. As much as we try to avoid it, it comes back to bite us in the ass. Even though I'm not that old things have shifted even more to remove our Civil Liberties since I was a kid and they were changing while I was watching, feeling like nothing I said would matter and so I didn't say a damn word, now I feel like I should have. I should have because it's my Right to be able to. So why not stand up for what you believe in and try to make a change, as frustrating as it may be to feel like no one is listening to you. At the very least you are putting it out there. You may not reach everyone, but you might reach someone. The idea of letting people know how you really feel about a given subject is a little nerve-racking, especially when no one says anything in response. You start to think to youself, Do they care? Do they agree? Do they think you are paranoid? Do they think you're a lunatic and in need of meds? IF they do agree, why do they sit silently? Are they afraid of people not agreeing with them? Maybe I over analyze things too much, it's a definite possibility. None the less, I want people to open their eyes to the bigger picture. It's much more frightening than we really admit.

Ask yourself, do I live in reality? Or, do I live in a world where I am always safe and nothing bad will ever happen to me? Let's assume you are going to answer Reality as that is going to be most logical, are you going to admit to yourself that if people don't start standing up that your own rights are going to come crashing down around you? Are you going to share this with others to see if they feel the same way? If we all only reach 1 person each that's enough to start of Revolution. A chance to shift the power back to The People where it belongs.

So the question is, Where do you stand?

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