Thursday, December 5, 2013

Nelson Mandela....

After seeing numerous posts and articles all day long about how the world lost a amazing leader of the Free World, my mouth can no longer stay shut.

I sit here confused with what the world can possibly see as a Good man, when everything he's done says he's no better or different than Osama Bin Laden. Both state they are fighting for the freedom of their people, both believed their Cause was Just and yet the opinions have of these 2 people are VASTLY different.


* Was the head of UmKhonto we Sizwe, (MK), the terrorist wing of the ANC and South African Communist Party.

*Plead guilty to 156 acts of public violence (though more than that were commited) including mobilizing terrorist bombing campaigns, which planted bombs in public places. Many innocent people, including women and children, were killed by Nelson Mandela’s MK terrorists.

*Refused to renounce violence as a means of political activism when initially given the opportunity to be released from prison based on that stipulation.

*Close ties to Radical Dictators such as Fidel Castro of Cuba and Muammar Gaddafi of Libya. Defended Gaddafi's ways even after terrorist "Lockerbie" bombing on a civilian airliner that killed many people.

*Established the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, known for repopulating it's soldiers by kidnapping young girls to be impregnated, if the girls were to resist they would be reminded that it is the responsibility of ALL women to give birth to new soldiers in order to replace fallen soldiers. If they continued to refuse, it was common practice that they would be given a public execution by means of a 'Necklace' (a tire soaked in gasoline) placed over their shoulders and around the body with the hands bound by barbed wire and then setting the tire on fire as well as having broken glass bottles shoved into their vaginas.

*The 'Necklace' was a common means of execution by Nelson Mandela's group of terrorists.

I don't think I need more examples of why this person should not be seen in the current light in which he is viewed. The man himself even had said in his book that he was surprised at how drastically different people viewed him prior to going to prison vs when he was released. Admitted he had many flaws and that he made a lot of mistakes. Yet he was given a Nobel Peace Prize, like Mother Teresa & Martin Luther King, Jr.... Wonder how many people they harmed or killed prior to being given that HONORABLE Award... I'm thinking None... Then again, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin were both nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize though not awarded. Hard to think of Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, JR, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin being Nominated for the same Award let alone being in the same sentence.

So Nobel Peace Prize tangent aside,

Do YOU still think he is still worthy of praise and tears of mourning?

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